How to convert HTML to a base64 image with Playwright and Ruby
The most popular way to do it is with the Grover gem. Grover is a wrapper around Playwright that makes it easy to generate images from HTML.
Install Playwright and Playwright client for Ruby
npm install playwright@1.27.1
gem install playwright-ruby-client
Get the base64 encoded image of some HTML
require 'playwright'
Playwright.create(playwright_cli_executable_path: './node_modules/.bin/playwright') do |playwright|
playwright.chromium.launch(headless: false) do |browser|
page = browser.new_page
page.set_content('<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1></body></html>')
@image = Base64.strict_encode64(page.screenshot())
puts @image
We created Urlbox to make converting HTML to images easy
Learn more about our website screenshot API.